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“Teiregi” is Ehime Matsuyama dialect for Cardamine regeliana (Japanese bittercress). It is a perennial plant that grows in the lower part of the mountains, marshlands, ditches throughout Japan. With its aromatic smell and a little kick of bitterness, this plant is part of many dishes, such as a garnish for sashimi (raw fish dish), and has been cherished since the olden days of Matsuyama region.


Shiki Masaoka was one of the famous scholar of literature・haiku poets in Meiji era (1866-1912), who had a great influence on the early modern literature. On his sickbed in 1895, he composed in nostalgia “Aki Kaze ya, Takai no Teiregi, Mitsu no Tai (In Autumn breeze, With bittercress of Takai, A Mitsu’s Snapper)” to long for his home and remember the taste of teiregi as a taste of his hometown.


However, teiregi habitat dramatically decreased with the change in environment and it was designated as Matsuyama-city natural monument in November, 1962.


Teiregi has naturally grown in many areas of Kawabe-cho. Kawabe no Mirai wo Kangaeru Kai (Kawabe’s group to think about the town’s future) has built a facility to raise teiregi seedlings since 2017. The facility-grown teiregi seedlings are distributed to people interested in teiregi cultivation within the town, and also shipped to surrounding regions starting from Matsuyama-city and Kansai region (South-West Japan), in hope to help raise their income. We are working on establishing teiregi cultivation as one of the Kawabe’s new agricultures and helping Kawabe-cho to become a teiregi mass production town.





Tel. 0893-39-2111


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